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Starfield: Controversial Content Restrictions

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Starfield Controversial Content Restrictions

Starfield: Controversial Content Restrictions

The highly anticipated role-playing video game, Starfield, has been at the center of controversy lately due to the game's content restrictions. The game, developed by Bethesda Softworks, is expected to be released on November 11, 2023. However, the Australian Classification Board has already rated Starfield as restricted, due to its interactive drug use and strong violence. Meanwhile, fans are turning to modders to add sexual content to the game, despite Bethesda's decision not to include it. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind these restrictions and the reactions of fans.

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Interactive Drug Use and Strong Violence:

According to the Australian Classification Board, Starfield has been rated as restricted, 18+ due to its interactive drug use and strong violence. The board's decision means that the game will only be available to individuals who are over the age of 18. The board has stated that the interactive drug use in the game was the main reason for the restriction. The board stated that the game "depicts and incentivizes the use of illicit drugs, including the misuse of prescription drugs," which is not acceptable for young individuals.

The board also cited the game's strong violence as another reason for the restriction. The board stated that the game's violence was "highly impactful" and "causes strong physiological reactions." The board also mentioned that the game's violent content was not suitable for children and young individuals. These restrictions have caused some controversy among fans, with some arguing that they will limit the game's accessibility.

Sexual Content Restrictions:

Another controversy surrounding Starfield is the lack of sexual content in the game. Bethesda Softworks has decided not to include any sexual content in the game. This decision has disappointed some fans who were hoping for a more adult-oriented game. Some fans have even turned to modders to add sexual content to the game.

However, Bethesda Softworks has been firm in their decision not to include any sexual content in the game. They have stated that the game is intended for a wider audience, and that including sexual content would limit its accessibility. Bethesda has also stated that they do not want to offend anyone with the game's content, and that they want to make the game as enjoyable as possible for all players.

So, the restrictions on Starfield due to its interactive drug use and strong violence have caused some controversy among fans. The decision to restrict the game to individuals over the age of 18 has limited its accessibility to younger audiences. Meanwhile, Bethesda's decision not to include sexual content in the game has disappointed some fans, who have turned to modders to add the content. Ultimately, it is up to Bethesda to decide what content to include in the game, and they have made their decision based on what they believe will make the game the most enjoyable for all players.

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