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A Review of League of Legends Patch 13.8 Updates

Mid-Season Invitational, Riot Games, League of Legends, , gwen lol, tft 13.8, heart on my sleeve drake
A Review of League of Legends Patch 13.8 Updates

League of Legends is a popular online game that has gained a massive following over the years. The game has been around for more than a decade, and with each passing year, the developers release new patches to update the game. Recently, Riot Games released Patch 13.8, which included various updates to the game. In this article, we will review some of the changes that have been made in the latest update.

Blitzcrank Nerfs and Lux Buffs In the latest patch, Blitzcrank, the champion who is known for his hook ability, has been nerfed. His hook ability will now have a longer cooldown, making it harder for players to use it frequently. Lux, on the other hand, has received a significant buff. The cooldown on her ultimate ability has been reduced, making her more viable in team fights. This change has made Lux a more popular pick in the game, as she can now deal significant damage to enemies with her ultimate ability.

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Ezreal and Kha'Zix Buffs, and Jarvan Nerfs In Patch 13.8, two champions, Ezreal and Kha'Zix, have been buffed. Ezreal has received an increase in his attack damage, making him more potent in dealing damage to his enemies. Kha'Zix, on the other hand, has received an increase in his healing ability, making him more durable in team fights. Jarvan, a popular champion in the game, has received a nerf. His ultimate ability will now deal less damage to enemies, making him less viable in team fights.

LS Slams Patch 13.8 LS, a popular League of Legends commentator, has criticized Patch 13.8, calling it the "most useless mid-season invitational update ever." LS criticized the patch for not including any significant changes to the game, making it feel stagnant and boring. While the patch did include some updates to the game, LS's comments show that not everyone is happy with the changes made.

Riot Combats Toxicity with New Report Function One significant change that Riot Games has made in Patch 13.8 is the addition of a new report function. This new function will help combat player toxicity in the game. The new system will allow players to report other players for toxic behavior, such as harassment, abuse, or cheating. This change is an important step towards creating a healthier and more positive gaming environment for players.

Jungle Nerfs One of the most significant changes made in Patch 13.8 is the nerfs to jungle champions. Some popular jungle champions, such as Hecarim and Udyr, have been nerfed, making them less viable in the game. These changes have caused some players to shift away from jungle champions and choose other roles instead.

Patch 13.8 has brought various updates to League of Legends, with some changes receiving positive feedback from players while others have been criticized. The new report function to combat toxicity is an important addition to the game, and the buffs and nerfs to champions will change the way players approach the game. Only time will tell how these changes will affect the game in the long run.

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