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Pokemon Go Togetic - Moveset and Raid Guide

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Pokemon Go Togetic - Moveset and Raid Guide

Pokemon Go Togetic - Moveset and Raid Guide

Introduction: Togetic is a second-generation fairy and flying type Pokemon that evolves from Togepi. In Pokemon Go, Togetic is a popular raid boss and can be caught in the wild, hatching from 5km eggs, and completing the research tasks. In this article, we will discuss Togetic's moveset, counters, and raid guide to help you catch this powerful Pokemon.

Moveset: Togetic's moveset is a crucial factor in determining its strength in battles. Its quick moves are Hidden Power and Extrasensory, while its charge moves include Dazzling Gleam, Ancient Power, and Flamethrower. Dazzling Gleam is a powerful fairy-type move that deals heavy damage, while Ancient Power and Flamethrower are multi-type moves that can take down a variety of opponents.

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Best Moveset and Counters for Togetic: If you are looking to battle against Togetic in raids or gym battles, you should have a good understanding of its strengths and weaknesses. Togetic is weak against rock, electric, steel, and ice-type moves, while it is resistant to fighting, bug, and dragon-type moves.

The best moveset for Togetic includes Hidden Power as its quick move and Dazzling Gleam and Ancient Power as its charge moves. This combination can deal heavy damage to its opponents, making it a formidable opponent in battles.

To take down Togetic in raids, you should have a team of powerful rock-type Pokemon like Tyranitar, Rampardos, or Terrakion. Electric-type Pokemon like Raikou and Zapdos are also effective against Togetic. Additionally, steel-type Pokemon like Metagross and Dialga can resist its moves and deal significant damage.

Raid Guide: Togetic is a tier-3 raid boss in Pokemon Go and can be easily defeated with a team of 2-3 trainers. However, if you are planning to take down Togetic solo, you should have a team of powerful rock or electric-type Pokemon with high CP and good movesets.

To increase your chances of catching Togetic, you should use Golden Razz Berries and curveball throws. Additionally, you can use the Premier Ball trick to get extra balls and increase your chances of catching this powerful Pokemon.

Togetic is a powerful fairy and flying-type Pokemon in Pokemon Go, and understanding its moveset, counters, and raid guide is essential to catch it. With the right strategy and team composition, you can take down Togetic in raids and add it to your collection of powerful Pokemon. Happy Hunting!

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