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Qobuz: The New Streaming Music Service in Canada

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Qobuz The New Streaming Music Service in Canada

Introduction: The streaming music industry has been rapidly growing in recent years, with several platforms competing to provide the best service to their users. And now, Canada has a new addition to its list of streaming music services – Qobuz. Qobuz is a French music streaming company that has recently launched its service in Canada. In this article, we will take a closer look at Qobuz and its features.

What is Qobuz? Qobuz is a music streaming platform that was launched in 2007 in France. The platform offers a high-quality music streaming service, with a focus on high-resolution audio. The service offers streaming in FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) format, which is considered to be the best format for high-quality audio streaming. Qobuz also offers a large library of music, with over 70 million tracks available for streaming.

Features of Qobuz:

  1. High-Resolution Audio: Qobuz is known for its high-quality audio streaming service. The platform offers streaming in FLAC format, which is considered to be the best format for high-quality audio streaming. Users can enjoy a better listening experience with Qobuz's high-resolution audio.

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  2. Large Music Library: Qobuz offers a large library of music, with over 70 million tracks available for streaming. The platform offers music from various genres, including classical, jazz, rock, and more.

  3. Exclusive Content: Qobuz offers exclusive content to its users, including live concerts, interviews, and more. The platform also offers editorial content, including reviews and articles about music.

  4. Multi-Device Support: Qobuz is available on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, computers, and streaming devices like Chromecast and Sonos. Users can access their music library and playlists across multiple devices.

Qobuz in Canada: Qobuz recently launched its service in Canada, making it the latest addition to the list of streaming music services available in the country. The launch of Qobuz in Canada is expected to offer a new and improved listening experience to users who are looking for high-quality audio streaming.

Qobuz offers a free trial of its service for new users, which includes access to the platform's full features for 30 days. After the trial period, users can choose from different subscription plans based on their preferences.

Qobuz is a new and exciting addition to the streaming music industry in Canada. The platform's focus on high-quality audio streaming and large music library makes it an attractive option for music lovers who are looking for an improved listening experience. With its launch in Canada, Qobuz is expected to provide tough competition to other streaming music services in the country.

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That's it for this article.

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