In a heartbreaking incident off the coast of Sicily, a luxury yacht has sunk, resulting in one confirmed death and six individuals still missing. The vessel, named the Bayesian, was a 56-meter British-flagged yacht that encountered severe weather conditions during the early hours of Monday. The sinking occurred approximately 700 meters from the harbor near Porticello, a small town on the northern coast of the island.
The yacht was carrying a total of 22 people—12 guests and 10 crew members—when it sank amidst a violent storm. The Italian Coast Guard has reported that 15 individuals, including a one-year-old child, were rescued from a life raft by the crew of a nearby ship. The rescued survivors were found after the captain of the rescue vessel noticed a flare in the tumultuous sea and subsequently discovered the life raft. Four of the rescued individuals sustained injuries, with three described as being in serious condition.
The tragic event unfolded during a period of intense storms in the Mediterranean. The region has been grappling with severe weather conditions, characterized by sudden and powerful gusts of wind and heavy rains. These storms have wreaked havoc across the area, causing widespread damage and disrupting normal life.
The Bayesian, built in 2008 by Italian shipbuilder Perini, was managed by the yacht management firm Camper & Nicholsons International. The firm has confirmed that they are fully supporting the ongoing search and rescue operations led by the Italian Coast Guard. The vessel, which had been anchored near Porticello, sank around 04:30 local time. A wreck has been located at a depth of approximately 50 meters, and divers are currently engaged in a search operation to locate the missing persons.
The UK's Foreign Office is in contact with local authorities and has pledged to provide consular support to British nationals affected by this incident. Among those missing are individuals from the UK, the US, and Canada. The nationality of the deceased has yet to be confirmed.
This incident underscores the perilous nature of maritime travel in adverse weather conditions and highlights the swift response required during such emergencies. The search and rescue efforts continue as authorities work to bring closure to the families of those affected.