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Astronomers Discover Rare Shapeshifting Radio Galaxy Turned into a Blazar

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Astronomers Discover Rare Shapeshifting Radio Galaxy Turned into a Blazar

Astronomers Discover Rare Shapeshifting Radio Galaxy Turned into a Blazar

A team of astronomers has recently discovered a rare phenomenon in the universe - a radio galaxy that has transformed into a blazar. This fascinating discovery has the potential to help scientists learn more about the properties of these two types of celestial objects and how they evolve over time.

What is a Radio Galaxy?

Radio galaxies are a type of galaxy that emits significant amounts of radio waves due to their massive black holes located in their centers. The black holes are surrounded by a disk of gas and dust known as an accretion disk, which produces powerful jets of particles that emit radio waves.

Radio galaxies are generally massive and located far away from our galaxy. They are not visible to the naked eye and can only be detected by radio telescopes.

What is a Blazar?

A blazar is a type of active galactic nucleus that emits intense radiation in various wavelengths, including radio waves, X-rays, and gamma rays. They are the most luminous and energetic objects in the universe, and their emissions can be detected billions of light-years away.

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Blazars are similar to radio galaxies in that they both have massive black holes at their centers. However, blazars have a more intense and focused jet of particles that points directly towards Earth, making them more visible and easier to study.

The Discovery

The team of astronomers used the Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope in New Mexico to observe a distant galaxy known as TXS 0128+554. The galaxy had previously been identified as a radio galaxy, but the team found that it had recently transformed into a blazar.

The researchers observed that the jet of particles emanating from the black hole in TXS 0128+554 had shifted by almost 90 degrees, from pointing away from Earth to pointing directly at us. This change in direction caused the galaxy to become a blazar, as the intense radiation from the jet of particles was now being directed towards Earth.

Implications of the Discovery

The discovery of this shapeshifting radio galaxy turned blazar is a significant event in the study of these types of celestial objects. It is the first time that scientists have observed a radio galaxy transforming into a blazar.

This discovery has the potential to help scientists better understand the properties of these two types of objects and how they evolve over time. It could also shed light on the mechanisms behind the formation and evolution of the powerful jets of particles emanating from black holes.

Furthermore, the discovery of more shapeshifting radio galaxies could help scientists learn more about the relationship between radio galaxies and blazars and how they are connected.

The discovery of a shapeshifting radio galaxy turned blazar is an exciting development in the field of astronomy. This rare event has the potential to help scientists gain a better understanding of the properties and evolution of these celestial objects.

By observing more of these shapeshifting galaxies, scientists can continue to uncover the mysteries of the universe and learn more about the powerful forces at work in the cosmos.

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